“Knowledge acquired by means of personal experience differs completely from belief". Prof. Waldo Vieira

Yearning for immortality: through conscious projections, you have the proof that only the soma is deactivated at physical death; your consciousness remains alive, manifesting through the psychosoma, convincing itself of its own immortality.
Consciential evolution is infinite. To evolve is to conquer millimeter by millimeter the immensity of what exists, that is, the Cosmos.
Lexicon of Orthopensatas - Waldo Vieira
Book: What is Conscientiology? - Waldo Vieira
Disbelief Principle
Do not believe in anything,
not even in the information available herein.
Have your own experiences.
Av. Dias da Silva, nº 87 3000-137 Coimbra
(+351) 934 630 025 | assipi.porto@gmail.com
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